dirty hands are happy hands. this kind of dirty is therapeutical. doing some gardening coming back from work helps one to refocuse somehow, to feel a kind of tranquility in the methodic, organic movements of making the plants’ life happier. the sight of living things struggling to grow amazes me all the time.

there are so many kinds of gardens. but the best kind you can find all around you – people growing, developing, blooming. some need more help than others. some need more “weeding” done, others are easily taken care of. we do all need gardeners in this process, to make it more beautiful, more meaningful.


:: primavera = expectativa.

:: gostava muito de ver este filme.

:: o perigeu lunar deu-me borboletas na barriga.

:: há pão a levedar. estreei finalmente a amassadeira que me trouxeram do norte.


:: spring = expectation.

:: i would love to watch this.

:: the lunar perigee made me feel the butterflies.

:: i have some bread rising overnight. finally used the wooden kneading bowl that was given to me.

[hyacinthus and Erica umbellata]

… change is not progress unless the core remains unchanged. a small oak grows into a big oak; if it became a beech, that would not be growth, but mere change.

[c. s. lewis]

em sintonia com a sis. sem suspeitarmos, fomos ambas atraídas pelos braços despidos de grandes árvores.

mistery seed pods

a partir do outono, o chão de parte da minha rua enche-se destas cápsulas de sementes de uma espécie de árvore da qual desconheço o nome. parece-me que poderá ser uma sweet gum tree ou pelo menos da mesma família. mas continuo à procura. em português ainda não consegui encontrar nada em concreto. o certo é que são as árvores que me saúdam quando saio para o trabalho e quando volto para casa. gosto delas em todas as estações e da expectativa de encontrá-las metamorfosiadas. ora despidas, ora com pequenos rebentos a espreitar (primeiro tímida e depois descaradamente), ora cobertas de folhas vermelhas.  a minha alice, a gata de olhos cor-de-céu-limpo, mostra a mesma curiosidade por estas cápsulas.

since the beginning of autumn, part of my street fills up with these beautiful seed pods, from a tree whose identity is unknown to me. i believe it could be a sweet gum tree or at least from the same family. yet, i’m still searching. they greet me whenever i go to work and when i come back home. one thing’s for sure . i love these trees in every season and i love the anticipation of finding them changed – naked, filled with timid buds (and then not so timid at all) or covered in red folliage. alice, my sky-tinted eyed cat, shows the same curiosity over these seed pods.